AltaRock Energy Geothermal Systems

AltaRock Energy Geothermal Systems

AltaRock Energy (ARE), the pioneers in Enhanced Geothermal Systems (EGS) technology, are working towards bringing EGS to a massive scale and making clean, affordable, and renewable geothermal energy accessible everywhere. The next phase of geothermal power, referred to as Superhot Rock Geothermal (SHR), taps into the massive stores of intense heat found deep within the earth's crust. This approach can produce up to 10 times more energy compared to conventional geothermal wells, enabling geothermal energy to expand on a global scale. ARE considers SHR to be one of the most promising solutions for replacing fossil fuel power plants and satisfying the growing demand for clean energy. The team at ARE and their partners are focused on developing the critical technologies needed to take SHR resources worldwide.
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